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Accused Murderer Embraces Social Media

Ilaria Salis Opens Instagram Account While Awaiting Trial

Accused Murderer Embraces Social Media

Italian Teacher Makes First Post

Ilaria Salis, the Italian teacher accused of murdering her husband, has opened an Instagram account. The 39-year-old is currently awaiting trial in Budapest, Hungary. In her first post, Salis introduced herself and said that this is her "new and only social profile."

Salis's Instagram account has quickly gained followers, with over 8,400 people following her as of this writing. She has posted a number of photos and videos, including one of her holding a sign that says "Free Ilaria." Salis has also used her account to share her thoughts on her case, writing in one post that she is "innocent" and that she is being "persecuted."

Salis's decision to open an Instagram account while she awaits trial has been met with mixed reactions. Some people have criticized her for using social media to promote herself while she is accused of such a serious crime. Others have said that they understand her need to connect with the outside world and to share her story.

Salis's trial is scheduled to begin in September. It is unclear how her Instagram activity will affect her case.
